Finding the right drug and alcohol rehab center can seem immensely stressful because often people don’t know where to begin. The uncertain feeling of “not knowing” is haunting because all that’s wanted is the help for your loved one.

What are you looking for? What treatment programs are the best? There are so many drug and alcohol rehab centers but how do you know which one’s right?

The answer lies within the treatment modalities. Rehab centers offer a variety of one size fits all treatment models. So often what we see is the same type of treatment over and over regardless of individual factors pertaining to the type of substance, or amount used.

People are unique. The treatment center should treat you with individualized care. Look for a treatment center that factors in medical history, substance abuse history, and trauma. Find a rehab center that offers individualized treatment catering to the individual based upon substance abuse history, medical history, and trauma.

Let’s find out what the top drug and alcohol rehab centers typically provide to residents:


Look for Smart Recovery or Self-Management for Addiction Recovery programs.

SMART Recovery is a scientific model promoting the self-empowerment and power of choice teaching the addict to be in control of his/her behavior. This program helps addicts fight the urge to relapse and stay motivated.

Smart Recovery follows a 4 point program to recover from addiction:

1. Building and maintaining motivation

2. Coping with urges

3. Maintaining thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

4. Living a balanced life

The four point program focuses on cognitive behavior therapy and is dedicated to help change the thought process of addicts. The approach is not a 12 step program; it’s based on individualized treatment for long term recovery.

Why it’s individualized?

If you believe in God, some higher power, or not, it all works well with SMART Recovery. The model is strictly self-empowering. You hear the thousands of success stories; it focuses on what works for each patient according to unique beliefs and values.

2. BRAINPAINT (Neurofeedback)

Quite simply, brain paint shows the brain how it can learn to be more effective and efficient when dealing with addiction.

The brain paint system shows the brain how to form connections with new experiences. There is success particularly for patients with PTSD.

Industry experts describe this process as a video game trying to bring your brain activity to different levels. Retraining your brain from dysfunctional patterns will contribute to breaking the addiction.

These successful actions train the individual to focus, regulate their behavior, and reduce impulsivity.

PTSD and Addiction

PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder imposes emotional withdrawal from normal feelings. PTSD causes depression and anxiety that can lead to habit forming behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse.

The UCLA Study

In 2005, UCLA provided the following results about Neurofeedback for a select group of adults with PTSD:

●     Increased abstinence rates among those participating in neurofeedback by over 30%

●     Decrease among those leaving treatment against medical advice (AMA) by 60%

●     Significant improvements on 5 of the 10 MMPI-2 scales, the most frequently used personality tests in mental health.

●     74% of subject’s maintained sobriety of the 44% who did not use the brain paint system.


Art therapy is a soothing and effective form of treatment because individuals are able to use creativity and imagination to express themselves. The central focus of Art Therapy is to expand forms of communication to better see experiences in a different light.

This type of therapy is especially helpful for people who have had traumatic psychological issues and after art therapy they can look back on a situation from a different perspective that provides empowerment and optimism.


These are crucial in a rehab center for a variety of reasons. Alumni programs decrease the rate of relapse, and provide an environment for individuals to socialize with other like-minded people.

What Alumni programs entail:

●    Social events to interact with others

●    Building relationships that can last a lifetime

●    Learning recovery tools and strategies

●    Motivation from hearing success stories

Alumni programs bring structure back into a person’s life. Having a strong alumni program connects individuals together so that they can grow and learn from one another. Great alumni programs allow former patients to change the lives of new patients.


By incorporating structure into a person’s life, the chance of success increase.  An aftercare plan takes into account many of the activities learned in residential treatment – 12 step meeting attendance, self-care, processing relapse triggers, etc.

After residential care, many patients will transition into some form of continuing care to support their recovery. Some patients will benefit from placement in a sober living environment or an Intensive Outpatient Program, while others’ chances of success increase by returning to their primary therapist for ongoing care.

The decision process relies upon input from the patient, as well as the clinical and medical team’s recommendations.


Individual Therapy can change a person's life. Therapists seek to find the core cause related to your loved one's state of addiction. Counseling helps the client rebuild damaged relationships and instills life-strategies that can be implemented for a more balanced and functional life.

Many addicts have other mental health disorders and struggle to connect with others. Group therapy encourages clients to step outside their comfort zones to begin conversations with other addicts that can be immensely therapeutic.  Over time, addicts build confidence that helps them interact in productive and meaningful ways in their personal and professional relationships.


Family programs consist of a therapy session with you, your loved one, and any other family members. If there is one thing all experts in the addiction field agree on, undoubtedly it is that: “Addiction is a Family Disease.”

Though family therapy, family members work with therapists and often realize that they have some enabling behaviors. When this moment of insight occurs, the cycle of addiction can be stopped. Each family member needs to express their needs, feelings and beliefs alongside their addicted loved one. Addicts aren’t the only ones who suffer and hurt; loved ones do too. Family Therapy can teach family members how to be supportive and therapeutic while also show them how to take care of themselves.

Cover Photo: Michael Arnold
