In your loneliness, you're not alone. It's natural and typical to feel lonely from time to time.

The fact that it is prevalent does not imply that loneliness will not overwhelm you. This is why, if you're now experiencing this, you could be wondering why and how to stop feeling lonely.

You're not alone at all! In fact, according to a recent Harvard Graduate School of Education research, 36% of those asked said they felt lonely "often" or "nearly all the time or all the time."

Moreover, 61 percent of individuals aged 18 to 25 reported feeling lonely to varying degrees.

This is an emotion that you can conquer, whether you're feeling empty or lonely. It's a good idea to start by figuring out why you're feeling this way.

Let's find below some tips on How to be solitude in life and enjoy loneliness


1. Pray

We will be successful in our lives, spirituality, and the Hereafter if we perform this ritual of solitude on a regular basis, sparking joy in our souls by appraising ourselves and allowing our souls the joy of experiencing worship without distraction.


2. Re-arrange your life

Try to arrange your alone time in the same way you would your other regular meetings. This way, you've set aside time for it that you can't take back.

Organizing your daily routine and responsibilities assists you to focus on the job at hand rather than being distracted by the events of the day. You may prioritize sleep at night and relax knowing it's taken care of. In addition, getting adequate sleep lowers your stress levels.


3. Make everything flexible

Make certain that the time you've picked isn't in jeopardy. Developing cognitive flexibility will pay you back in every aspect of life. If that's the case, make it flexible so you can still complete it in the evening if it's hijacked in the morning. It is preferable, though, if there is no compromise.

Consider it as though you were canceling an appointment that would result in a double payment.


4. Rethink your thoughts and regain hope

You can try perceiving things in new ways or associating them with pleasant feelings.

You can, for example, use your alone time to develop, contemplate, and connect with yourself.

Chronic loneliness comprises perseveration on the holes we encounter in life, but healthy isolation helps us to analyze and interpret our life experiences.


5. Plan earlier

Plan out the things you'll perform during this period ahead of time so you don't lose time wondering what to do. The importance of preparation cannot be overstated. Plan activities for everyone else, ideally away from you, so you don't have to be bothered.


6. Schedule your routine

Decide how often you want to spend time alone. It is not required at any certain interval, but just as you would schedule a bi-annual dental check-up, an annual medical exam, or a quarterly vacation, you should schedule this crucial time as well.


7. Practice Self-compassion

To battle emotions of loneliness and learn to be happy alone, engage in self-compassion exercises. Meditation, mindful walks, and physical activity are just a few examples.

Taking care of oneself with patience and compassion can help you build your relationship with yourself, which can help you feel less lonely.

You may learn to accept and enjoy your alone time over time and utilize it to engage in self-reflective and improvement activities.


8. Write

Keeping a diary of happy recollections might help you live a happier life.

Individuals might create an appreciation letter that enumerates all of the qualities they admire in themselves. They may make a list of the things they admire about others and share it with family and friends.

Putting your ideas and feelings down on paper can also help you process them and see them in a new light. Journaling has the potential to be a therapeutic experience.


Take away

They feel that alone time is beneficial to creativity, self-awareness, self-development, relaxation, and spirituality. One of the most essential factors in determining whether being alone is a positive or negative experience is whether you prefer to be alone.

To make the most of your time alone, keep in mind that it is a wonderful opportunity to contemplate and grow as a person. You can learn new interests when you're alone, such as writing, sketching, or spending time in nature. You can also pick up new skills, such as learning a new language or how to play an instrument.

Having had a passion for writing for over 20 years, Ahemed Shamim Ansary is a freelance contributor for guest blogging on leadership, career, personal development, and entrepreneurship. With his professional experience in the Education Industry, Administration, and HR for more than 10 years, Ansary has been sharing his experience and learning for the betterment of his readers through his blogs such as Quotes Muse and Life Simile.

For more information about Ahemed, visit his LinkedIn and Quora

Cover Photo: Jeannie Phan

*Audio Narration Coming Soon
